Shadows, Critics, Conflict and
Love in Relationship
—Couples Workshop—
May 3rd & 4th | Amsterdam
with David Bedrick and Lisa Blair
Location: de Roos
(P.C. Hooftzaal Room), Amsterdam
Saturday and Sunday
May 3rd & 4th: 10 am–5 pm
“Lisa and David truly are the perfect teaching duo.”
Join us for this special weekend workshop exclusively for couples, where we will create a safe, unshaming space of sacred community. With care and compassion, you’ll gently explore the past stories, inner critics, and unexpressed parts of yourselves lurking in the shadows, causing conflict, pain, and distance. You’ll not only become freer to express your authentic selves with each other, but you’ll also learn how to transform these pain points in your relationship into your Unique Dance of Beauty, Love, and Intimacy.

In this workshop, you will discover:
How your early stories and traumas bleed into your relationship, creating patterns, miscommunication, and conflict.
How your fears and inner criticism injure your self-love and create misunderstanding and conflict.
How internalized oppression censors you and gets projected onto your partner, causing conflict and pain.
How your unexpressed and unconscious feelings, needs, powers, and even gifts create a status quo that limits the love, intimacy, and nourishment your relationship has to offer.
How your shadow parts are doorways to renewal and a new dance of intimacy.
How to work with persistent hot spots in ways that create safety and compassion and bring you closer to each other rather than further apart.
Join Lisa and David in creating new pathways of communication, connection, understanding, and aliveness in your relationship.

Research shows that despite the unprecedented challenges so many couples are facing in this increasingly uncertain and unstable world, what remains constant is their longing for closeness and connection.
However, research also indicates that partners need more resources and skills to navigate intimacy, communication, and conflict. This workshop fills that need.
Intimacy is fostered by sharing our feelings, needs, and thoughts with others who are open to listening with their ears, hearts, and bodies. However, oftentimes, our communication gets shamed, censored, or rendered unconscious by our past traumas, fears, and the critical voices that live inside us and in the world around us.
As that which lives within us moves forward and outward to touch our partner, our messages can be obscured and twisted by unseen forces. For example, inner criticism dwells in the shadows, hampering our ability to speak clearly due to self-hatred and causing us to perceive messages as criticism, erecting an armor that stands between us.
In the same way, cultural messages live inside of us, telling us who and how to be—whether a woman, man, non-binary, able-bodied, or neurotypical—colonizing our communications, twisting us into a shape that is not our own. And then, when we reach across to touch our partner or to communicate, our words bend and tear before they reach their ears and heart. In turn, they hear the mixed messages pouring through us and end up confused, distant, and further away from the bond we hoped to share.
What’s more, between us lives shadows that we have yet to explore—our fire that lives in our cool and calm, our vulnerability that lives in our toughness, our brilliance that we hide behind, our feigned humility, and the pain that lives underneath our smiles. These don’t go away; they find ways to express themselves through our bodies and tones. So even when we speak, the messages of these shadows pour out of us into the other, but not clearly enough for them to truly know us and make that human connection. In this workshop, we will explore these critics, these internalized oppressions, and these shadow selves—how they operate in our communication and how they interrupt the flow of intimacy in our relationships.
You’ll discover ways of revealing these parts of yourself to one another, transforming difficulties in your relationship into the intimacy you desire, into your shared humanity, and into the messages that connect you, draw you closer, and build bridges.

“David and Lisa are the real deal—their wisdom will leave you speechless, touched, and fully yourself. Whatever you’ve learned about relationships, conflict, or growth pales in comparison to the lived wisdom they offer. They don’t pretend to be a ‘perfect’ couple; they are authentic, walking their talk and sharing from the heart. You’ll feel seen, recognized, and accepted—exactly as you are, today.”

This workshop is for you if…
The well-being of your relationship with each other is essential to your wellness, happiness, and fulfillment.
You long for intimate conversations together that leave you feeling nourished rather than depleted, hopeless, frustrated, or more alone.
You desire more moments of deeper connection that leave you both feeling more in love.
You keep having the same conflict over and over again and can’t seem to make further understanding or closeness out of it. Scar tissue and resentment are building.
You crave sharing feelings with each other that allow you to feel more seen, felt, appreciated, cared for, and understood.
You both yearn to express yourself authentically and fully in your relationship.
This workshop is for couples.
All gender and sexual identities, races, and ethnicities are welcomed and celebrated.
We foster a loving and unshaming space for all.
After this workshop, you will be able to:
Build greater trust.
Create more safety in your relationship.
Have conversations together that truly nourish
you and reveal the deep love you share.
Create intimacy where injury
or misunderstanding used to live.
Express your needs, powers, and unique
personality more congruently in your relationship.

What Past Participants are Saying…
“I feel so touched and inspired by how real you both are with the group and with each other. No one’s ever modeled that to me before. I’m so grateful. It’s such a gift for you to show your relationship to us all. I’ve never seen anything like it. Thank you.”
“David and Lisa’s work is medicine for my soul! Getting to see them teach together is totally game-changing! The alchemy between them is so beautiful to experience and puts everything I’m learning into a potent, palpable context. It feels like pieces of a puzzle coming together in my subconscious, and I am feeling grateful and excited. Thank you both!”
“David and Lisa are such permission slips! I feel so much more freedom in my life—it’s beautiful! Their work is so powerful and transformative on a very deep level.”

Day One
PART ONE: Early Stories & Roles
On day one, we’ll be focusing on your early stories—what each of you came to your relationship with. We’ll look at how early patterns and traumas create triggers. In addition, you’ll learn how you and your partner unconsciously play out different roles in each other’s early story—how you may rescue each other, provide the parenting you didn’t have, or how you may play out some of the hurtful aspects of that story.
Day one will help you understand these roles, the kind of support each of you actually needs, and how to break the bonds of those earlier patterns. This will help you create more understanding, compassion, and freedom to be your true selves.
PART TWO: Inner Criticism & Internalized Oppression
Inner criticism and internalized oppression are elements that live inside of us and impact our experience of intimacy with others.
For instance, if you have a strong inner critic, you’re more likely to perceive another person’s comments as criticism, and you may either tone down your message or add more force to it. This means that the other person might receive a somewhat unclear/unclean message from you and are likely to interpret the message based on their own internal reactions.
The same thing happens with internalized oppression.
Let’s say a woman and a man both have ideas they’ve learned from their culture about how they should act and what their roles are. In this scenario, they could be criticized or censored and perceive each other through the lens of their gendered roles in a world that interrupts their intimacy.

Day Two
On day two, you’ll discover how each of you would be if you lived and loved more freely, passionately, authentically, and powerfully.
PART ONE: Shadows
In this part of the workshop, you will discover and learn to embody your shadow selves—those parts of you that arise unconsciously or unintentionally. While these parts foster distrust and painful conflict, they are also a key to new powers, gifts, and emotional intelligence. When consciously embodied, they allow you to renew and enliven your relationship dance, making it one filled with the profound intimacy you were meant to have with each other.
PART TWO: Hot Spots and the Root of Recurring Conflict
In this part of the seminar, you will apply all you have learned to the most difficult and recurring pain points in your relationship. Here, we will teach you the art of “relational mindfulness”—a relational state of being that does not seek to get rid of the issues at hand but instead slows things down in a way that reveals the root of those difficulties, allowing a deep intimacy to be discovered and practiced.
EARLY BIRD PRICING until 10pm CEST on April 18th
Please note: Registration closes at 5pm CEST on Friday, May 2nd.
We will not be able to take registrations or payments on-site on the day of the workshop.
Prices are in USD.
Price per Couple: $820 USD Early Bird (approx. €757)
$970 USD (€ 895) Regular Price (after Apr. 18)

I don’t know David or Lisa. What expertise do they bring to this topic?
Both David and Lisa are Certified Process Work Diplomates who trained in Process-oriented Psychology under the tutelage of Drs. Arnold and Amy Mindell and colleagues. David has written four books and is known internationally for his groundbreaking work on Unshaming. He brings this particular lens to relationships, conflict, and intimacy. He also has 35 years of clinical experience working with individuals and couples. Lisa is a PhD Candidate whose expertise is in emotional intimacy in romantic partnership. She is a published scholar in academic journals and books about love and intimacy. She also brings 16 years of clinical experience working with individuals and couples in private practice. Over the course of their 20+ year marriage, David and Lisa have developed their own unique approach to cultivating love and intimacy in relationships. They co-host the podcast In Two Deep, where they explore emotional intimacy, conflict, and connection. Please read their bios at the bottom of this page to learn more.
Is lunch included in the registration price?
We are looking into lunch options through the organization that hosts the workshop space. We will email everyone who registers more information about food options for an additional cost. There is also a beautiful public park space within a very short walking distance of the workshop location, and you are welcome to bring your own picnic.
We will be driving to the workshop. Is there parking available?
There are on-street, paid metered parking spots available in the neighborhood. Plan to arrive early to get a spot.
We will be taking public transportation. Is there public transportation that comes to the location?
Yes, public transportation is close to the workshop location. We will email participants with more information as the event approaches.

What Clients Are Saying…
“David, thank you for such a truly life-altering experience…Being with you was a deep, deep reminder of the power of this paradigm, the power of loving presence, the gift of coming into ever greater contact with what it means to be alive with these wild bodies and minds.”
“Lisa offers us an inspiring, intimate invitation to deepen our loving for one another. She is an astutely skilled listener, tracking what emerges in awareness in an organic way with effortless, sensitive flow. She hones in on what is present with enveloping compassion, loving curiosity, and brilliant insight. We are often surprised and deeply touched by what we share and discover together.”
— M.M. & K.G.
“I always experience Lisa as open and deeply authentic. With just a few intuitive and powerful words, Lisa helps me change my perception of my experiences and leads me into a place where I trust, accept, and love myself.”

Meet David
David Bedrick, JD, Dipl. PW, is a teacher, counselor, and attorney. He grew up in a family marked by violence. While his father’s brutality was physical and verbal, his mother’s denial and gaslighting had its own covert power. This formative context introduced David early to the etiology of shame and instilled an urge to unshame.
Professionally, he was on the faculty for the University of Phoenix and the Process Work Institute in the U.S. and Poland and is the founder of the Santa Fe Institute for Shame-based Studies where he trains therapists, coaches, and healers and offers workshops for individuals to further their own personal development.
David writes for Psychology Today and is the author of three books: Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology, Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change and You Can’t Judge a Body by Its Cover: 17 Women’s Stories of Hunger, Body Shame and Redemption.
His fourth book, The Unshaming Way, was just published by North Atlantic Books in 2024.
Meet Lisa
Lisa Blair, MA, Dipl. PW, is a scholar, a PhD candidate at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and an International Women’s Consultant who coaches and teaches internationally specializing in emotional intimacy. Her doctoral work explores redefining intimacy to address the unprecedented challenges romantic partners face in a postnormal world. Her research has been published in World Futures, the Journal of Consciousness Studies, and the Second Edition of the International Handbook of Love. She and her husband, David Bedrick, co-host In Two Deep, a podcast about emotional intimacy, conflict, and connection from a depth psychological perspective. Lisa is also the publisher at Belly Song Press, a small independent press of nonfiction titles in psychology, social justice, and leadership. www.lisablair.com