Monthly Medicine

with David Bedrick

Walk the soulful path of healing that honors your deepest humanity, celebrates the intelligence that lives in your hidden wounds, and connects you with your true Self without trying to “fix” your suffering.

Our monthly UnShaming sessions are open to coaches, healers, facilitators, and any human who craves radical self-acceptance, self-discovery, and profound healing.

Immerse yourself in a monthly baptism that brings the UnShaming paradigm deeper into your life and being

In a world where shame is woven into every facet of our lives, including the health and healing industry, it's hard to maintain an UnShaming perspective.

UnShamed Monthly Medicine will build your immunity to self-distrust, pathologization, and self-hatred.

It will foster a sustaining radical self-acceptance and depth-based practice of self-discovery and healing.

Whether you work in the health and healing industry, or you are simply a human seeking to upgrade your inner work practice, UnShaming is one of the most impactful and fast-working techniques to help you understand your true value and create ripples of peace and acceptance that lighten the world.

When you UnShame, you open a line of communication with your soul and allow your inner wisdom to guide you toward deeper alignment with your purpose every day.

UnShaming is a kind of meditation, a mind-body-spirit practice where the most transformative results come from regular repetition and continually deeper understanding. In UnShamed: Monthly Medicine, you’ll discover how to weave UnShaming into the personal development and inner work practices you’re already doing.

By joining UnShamed: Monthly Medicine and receiving exposure to these tools, practices, and ideas, you can quicken the lifelong process of clearing shame from your life.

Through UnShaming, you forge a compassionate relationship with your most authentic self by addressing shame at the root

The essence of Unshaming is to radically believe in yourself.

We live in a world where healing is almost always considered an act of fixing something that is wrong. Everything in our lives is treated as a problem with a cause.

  • If I have insomnia, how can I sleep more?

  • If my energy is low, how can I have more energy?

  • If I have anxiety, how can I feel less afraid?

  • If I have bodily pain or discomfort, how can I get rid of it?

This traditional paradigm of healing, the allopathic model, blocks a deeper self-acceptance.

It teaches you that you must constantly try to heal, fix, or change parts of yourself. It allows shame to have a hold over your life.

When we treat ourselves like we are broken, wounded, or sick, our spirit is stifled and we become disconnected from our authentic selves.

By shifting into the UnShaming paradigm, you stop looking at what’s wrong with you and instead focus on the gifts, powers and intelligence that live in your hidden self and wounds.

The result is a life where you are liberated from judgment, connected to your inner intelligence, freer to express your true self, and able to create YOUR own path that is aligned with the unique medicine you are here to share with the world.

Here is a glimpse at some of the topics we’ve covered during our monthly UnShaming sessions…

  • Chronic pain

  • Addiction

  • Sexual trauma

  • Violence and abuse 

  • Body image

  • Traumatic experiences

  • Macro- and micro-aggressions from a socially unjust world, including racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, and transphobia

  • Relationship dynamics

  • Inner criticism

  • Self-hatred

No topic is off the table.

You can bring anything that has injured you to our calls – whether it happened in the past or continues to happen to you, whether you experienced it individually or collectively, and whether it took place within your family system, culturally, or socially.

What Past Students Are Saying…

"I’m Simone, marketing mentor and life coach. And for most of my life, shame controlled me.

Throughout most of my teens and 20’s, I was a professional hider. I was a singer who avoided auditions. I didn’t apply to the vast majority of jobs I wanted, because I would rather stay under-paid than experience rejection. Even after I learned coaching, I had difficulty telling people that I had a gift to offer.

As a healing and self-development junkie, I’ve learned and practiced every tool under the sun to try to alleviate the pain of shame, and the way it constantly obstructed my ability to go after what I want.

But here’s the truth. In all those years, all that the best tools offered me was temporary relief from shame. I was resigned to living with shame, thinking of it like a “chronic disease” that can’t completely be cured, but can be “managed.” After all, life isn’t all roses and daisies, right?

Enter David Bedrick, a brilliant and unconventional therapist.

Working with him did something that I didn’t even know was possible, and something that I’ve never even seen modeled before: the complete and permanent healing of shame.

It was just… done. It no longer had a hold over me. Finished. Forever.

I actually could not believe it. I could still cry, thinking about the freedom and power I found afterward.

The impact on my business has been seismic — both energetically and financially."

– Simone Seol

“I cherish the UnShaming space David is able to create. It is clear that he lives what he teaches.

“There's a way in which a class with David is akin to an inoculation against the ‘shaming witness’ that is Western society, is capitalism, is mental health oppression, is patriarchy, is colonialism, is White Supremacy. Once inoculated, denial breaks down and everywhere one looks one sees the ugly violence of shame being perpetuated against the most tender and vulnerable and misunderstood parts of ourselves.

“What bravery it is to become one who UnShames, one who pauses and listens to the buried whispers of world weary souls. May I live what David has taught me. May I know what it means to truly be a loving witness, for myself and for others.”

— Tessa Wren Greene

“David Bedrick is a gentle warrior. His methodology is phenomenal. The most kind, soft, powerful vehicle I’ve ever encountered to heal trauma and release shame. I wish everyone would adopt this way of helping people through pain. Known and unknown.”

— Sue

“David has a lovely wisdom and skill for liberating a truth you didn't know was there! I'm in the process of my third workshop with him and it's changed my life in ways I could've never imagined.”

— Paula Retter

“Profound and nurturing. The UnShaming workshop with David is a catalyst for deep learning. I was able to truly be with my body in a safe space of my own creation.

“Through body-based exercises and tools, I learned how to hear my body's language. This connection, this allowing, this medicine is the key to integrating and being able to express as me, wholly. Humbled and grateful.”

— Evelyn Salcedo-Phoeuk

“I’m savouring every moment of being in the program, and slowly feeling those deep internalised beliefs and voices shift.

“This is life- changing work and the reverberations are enormous. Thank you for sharing your life’s work and experience with us ❤️”

“David, this experience has been shifting bedrock level things inside me in ways I can sense are only just opening. It’s beautiful!

“I feel like I’m birthing a new me. And I’ve shared ideas and the exercises with my mom who was abused as a child and she’s finding healing she’s never felt 😭 Thank you for these gifts!”

— Shanna

“Thank you for helping me see myself, my story, with a brighter, more empathetic and humane lense. Your course on shame was profoundly transformative, leaving me with a renewed consciousness of the poetry of life.

“Tatiana St-Louis

“I don’t recommend a white male coach to POC groups, however David Bedrick sees you and can help us UnShame our identity. Social shame and internalized shame will kill us slowly if we don’t do this work. To show up in a monolith pressured society with our gifts we have to recognize when shame is projected onto us and then we can UnShame ourselves.”

— Aenoy

UnShamed: Monthly Medicine is for you if…

  • Despite all the self-development and healing work you’ve done, you still feel like you're coping with life. You crave a deeper, more intimate relationship with your true desires, beliefs, and purpose.

  • You want to learn how to apply UnShaming to many different aspects of your life: your intimate relationships, your life as a parent, your early painful stories of abuse, chronic pain, and difficult feelings like anxiety, depression, and anger — to name a few.

  • You often find yourself reacting to painful situations or reliving traumas, and you want to develop the freedom to respond instead of react. You crave an experience of life where you are not held captive by painful experiences, and you desire to fundamentally change how you respond so that they don’t impact you as deeply. 

  • You are a facilitator, coach or healer who wants to deepen your understanding of UnShaming and the skills involved so that you can bring this radical work into your own practice.

  • Your inner work is fueled by feeling not good enough or self-critical. You want to transform that internal voice to be confident, accepting, and proud of who you are.

  • You want to nourish the belief that there is a deep, soul-filled intelligence in all of your experiences, including the most difficult and painful.

  • You have already digested previous doses of David’s medicine and are hungry for more (see the prerequisites below to find out if you are ready for UnShamed: Monthly Medicine).

Through this work, you will be supported in…

  • Fostering deep love and compassion toward every part of who you are, especially the parts you’ve tried to change or suppress in the past

  • Releasing your chronic inner voice of criticism and creating a judgment-free space inside yourself where new self-awareness and appreciation can guide your actions and decisions

  • Gaining deeper self-awareness around who you are and your gifts, so you can confidently express yourself and feel more connected to yourself, others, and the world

  • Developing a toolbox of nurturing, loving skills that will help you face hardship with a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs

  • Becoming confident and comfortable in who you are so that no one – not your family, your partner, or society – can shame you into being anything else

  • Opening a line of communication with your soul, so that your inner wisdom can guide you toward greater alignment with your purpose every day

  • Approaching your whole being with profound understanding that transforms your pain into wellbeing – even chronic pain, mental health challenges, or illness

The Phases of UnShaming: Monthly Medicine


After just one session of Monthly Medicine, many students receive breakthrough shifts in their perspective. You’ll understand how shame shows up in your own story, and you’ll plant the seeds within yourself for greater self-awareness, love, and compassion to grow. You’ll gain new tools to upgrade your inner work and strengthen the boundaries that protect your soul and your energy.

Breaking shame’s grip requires you to empower your capacity to create boundaries. Here, you will build a relationship with that power, connect with where it lives in your body, and understand the early stories in your life that may have robbed you of your power to create boundaries.

You will understand how to deeply communicate with your own needs and desires, and how to turn those into boundaries that protect your soul and your energy.


You’ll start to sense momentum building in your relationship to UnShaming. Much like learning to ride a bicycle, you’ll be able to get on, find your balance, and begin to ride. As this happens, you’ll begin to notice shaming thoughts as they arise and gently reframe them in an UnShamed way. This growing comfort with UnShaming will open doorways to the intelligence that your soul and body are waiting to share with you.


Your thoughts will naturally become UnShaming. You will have the skills to break out of cycles of self-criticism and painful family patterns. The thoughts that you used to get stuck in will fall away – no more spiraling in cycles of, “Why did I say that?” “Why did I do that?” “I should have said this,” “I should have done that.” You will unearth the intelligence in your system that has been creating those cycles and patterns. Unshaming yourself, other people, and society will begin to come to you automatically.

What’s Inside the Membership

  • Live monthly 2.5-hour UnShaming sessions

  • Access to recordings of all previous sessions for as long as you’re in the membership, so that you can go deeper into this work on your own time and you never need to worry about missing a session

  • Work directly with David during the monthly sessions (limited to a certain number of people per session)

  • Experience UnShaming skills and practices modeled in real time

  • Monthly opportunity to study David’s unique, authentic teaching style (especially useful for those who teach or want to teach)

  • Care and tending to the beauty and oppressive conditions of our great diversity

  • Access to a global UnShaming community of learners and practitioners

  • A monthly supplement to upgrade and support your regular inner work practice

Class Schedule

Live Zoom classes will run one Tuesday a month
from 12 -2 pm U.S. Pacific Time; 21:00 - 23:00 pm GMT +2

2025 Class Schedule:

Jan. 28th 2025

Feb. 18th 2025

Mar. 25th 2025

Apr. 15th 2025

May 27th 2025

June 17th 2025

July 15th 2025

Aug. 26th 2025

Sept. 23rd 2025

Oct. 21st 2025

Nov. 25th 2025

Dec. 16th 2025

UnShaming Monthly Medicine is a monthly membership program.

Of course, you are free to begin and discover whether this is right for you and decide not to continue at any time.

But the vision of this offering is to build a longer-term community of UnShamers who will further the ripple effect of this paradigm and practice, both with themselves and others. 

It is not designed for people who want a single session on a drop-in basis. 

What Members Are Saying…

“Joining the Unshaming Monthly Medicine has brought about indescribable transformation in my life. Throughout these months, I've found myself on a profound inward journey, peeling away layers of consciousness that shame had once cloaked.

“The term 'UnShaming' was novel to me at first. It piqued my curiosity - I wanted to understand how it held the potential to unlock deeper healing and nurture self-love. David perfectly caters to this curiosity, weaving together enlightening teaching sessions with real-time UnShaming practices. Each interaction has unveiled the roots of shame in my life, guiding me to draw connections between my early traumatic experiences and the enduring presence of shame in my adult life.

“The monthly calls have become my refuge, a nurturing environment where shame is softly peeled away to make room for love, healing, and self-acceptance. Each call acts like a stepping stone, leading me to uncover and cherish the distinct 'medicine' within me.

“If shame has you stuck or ensnared in unproductive patterns, I wholeheartedly vouch for Unshaming Monthly Medicine. It is an immersive experience that navigates you towards profound self-transformation and ultimately, the emergence of your authentic, unashamed self.”

— Rebekah

“This is an active process of shattering societal paradigms that all of us feel we have to operate under. This communal space is countercultural and radical. It's carving new neural pathways in the collective brain.

“After my involvement in this group, two friends have come to me with deep shame stories and have consenting to a process of UnShaming in the moment and we have been able to go deep and bring UnShaming witnesses to things that have always been overlooked or just accepted as the normal shame stories we are supposed to carry.

“It is an intensive course for my soul and is changing me every time. I go into it with the heart to be transformed and take everything into the deepest part of me.

“Additionally, witnessing others go through their process has been equally transformative in just a different way. It's spirit education. Deep healer education. I made a very conscious decision to not go to school to be a therapist and have known I want to commit to educating myself as a healer, transforming myself, and learning deeply. This is my commitment here."

— Hannah Anastasia Ruth

“I appreciate David's generosity of time and energy. I think that the setting up of the container / sacred space has been important, especially as there are people with different levels of familiarity with the work. The depth of wisdom, meticulous tracking, and care for each individual has been consistent. I noticed a bit more debriefing in the second call (why he did what he did, chose the pathways or signals he did) and I appreciated that.

“Monthly Medicine has helped create some momentum from taking the UnShamed course. I find that, while the principles are fairly easy to grasp conceptually / intellectually, it takes time to really let it seep in. It does feel like moving into a different paradigm with different layers and levels of understanding. Almost everyone who works, no matter what their topic, has implications or understandings that I benefit from, so there are many small individual / breakthroughs. But I'm also experiencing larger insights or possible implications of this work, ones that are related to living within a system of multiple denials at a time of climate emergency and cultural breakdown.”

— Marilyn

“David’s UnShame work is very freeing and profound, which help me learned to start loving all of me, myself, and I.”

— Jeana

“I’m appreciative that David continues to follow this topic with respect & curiosity. Given that digging for gold is a timely endeavor, I am developing both patience & intrigue with this process.”

— Ro

“As a coach, I am finding a new way of relating to and experiencing my clients. Now, I have yet another reason to follow their innate intelligence, believe in them, radically trust their decisions and compassionately witness their process. I feel that I can be more aligned with their inner tide and help them to use its power and wisdom. Beautiful.”

— Piotr


To join this membership, you must have completed one of the following of David's teachings:

If you haven't been through any of the above programs, you can still join Monthly Medicine by taking Foundations of UnShaming (a 2 hour recording) and by working through the UnShaming Guidebook. In keeping with David's vision, these are a low-cost and valid introduction to UnShaming theory and practice.

Most people don’t realize that when you try to heal or erase psychological and bodily suffering, you are stifling a valuable part of yourself.

And your shame is your greatest teacher.

That ever-present hum of dissatisfaction in your life is there because there are parts of yourself that are not being lived.

Your soul won’t let you rest until you understand the beauty & intelligence it’s trying to point you toward.

The part of yourself you’ve been trying to fix is an aspect of your truest self that has been trying as hard as it can to communicate with you. It’s time for you to ally with it.

Our deepest difficulties are not meant to go away, they’re there to help you become you.

Un-shaming is the process of unlocking your soul purpose on this planet, through forging a new relationship with your True Self.

If you constantly ask yourself:

“What’s wrong with me?”

“How can I heal, fix, or change the difficulties in my life?”

“Why am I so stupid? Why am I so ugly?”

“Why do I want something that is wrong?”

“Why can’t I be a better mother/partner/friend? I should be doing and saying X instead…”

Then it’s likely that you have been imprisoned by shame.

For over 30 years, I’ve supported my students in creating a life free from shame, where they are deeply connected to the wisdom and vitality of their truest self.

David Bedrick, J.D., Dipl. PW is a process worker, attorney and facilitator. He is the author of Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology and Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change. His latest book is You Can’t Judge a Body by Its Cover: 17 Women's Stories of Hunger, Body Shame and Redemption. About his new book, Publisher’s Weekly wrote, “Bedrick celebrates 'the deep wisdom held in... hearts, minds, and bodies' of women in this powerful collection of profiles.”

David is the founder of the Santa Fe Institute for Shame based Studies where he teaches and works with individuals around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you’ve experienced David’s work and his teachings and practices stirred something in you, if you are wondering what he has to say next and how to apply this work to more areas of your life, then we recommend that you join UnShamed: Monthly Medicine for one month. If you find that it isn’t a good fit after that month, you can cancel at any time.

    You can also ask your body, your psyche, your heart, or your intuition for guidance on whether you should join this membership.

    If you’d like to learn more about David’s work before joining, a good place to start is by reading his posts on Instagram, listening to his emotional intimacy podcast In Two Deep, and watching UnShamed TV (all free resources).

  • UnShamed: Monthly Medicine is a way to further the unshaming work you have already begun. Because unshaming is a lifelong process, there is value in receiving monthly doses of support and practice. Weaving these live calls into your inner work can help speed up how quickly you’re able to integrate this work into your life.

    This is not an introductory membership, and previous experience with unshaming is a prerequisite to joining. If you haven't been through any of the above programs, you can still join Monthly Medicine by taking the Foundations of UnShaming (a 2 hour recording) and by working through the UnShaming Guidebook.

  • Absolutely. The work of unshaming can help anyone, but it is perhaps most important and transformative for individuals with trauma in their pasts.

    The biggest, most tragic impact of trauma is the disconnection from yourself and your path. This can create pain, difficulties, and suffering far beyond the trauma itself. The most tragic thing that trauma can do is to stop you from being on the path of you. That is what we do in unshaming work.

  • Yes. You will get access to the recordings of all of the monthly calls for as long as you stay in the membership.

  • Yes. Unshaming will help you wake up from the path of what you are currently doing, and shift away from that as quickly and gracefully as possible. Some things take weeks to release, some things take generations, but that can be helped and eased along the way so that it’s not as painful.

    Everything has its own timing, its own season. It isn’t the way of nature for Summer to come early; the seeds need time to take root, the critters need time to emerge from their burrows. But you can learn how to enjoy the Winter and the Spring for what they are, and experiencing them that way allows you to exist in a very different psychological state.

  • To unshame, you need a witness. That witness must be someone or something that can see you in a neutral, loving, and objective way.

    If you have a lot of inner criticism and you’re working on a problem you don’t like about yourself, that would make it very hard to also be a neutral, loving witness to yourself. If you think there’s something wrong with you, and you’re wondering “Why am I like this? I need to work on that,” that attitude will enter the way you see yourself and it will make unshaming very difficult, if not impossible. That is why it’s so important to get a witness, if you can.

    David created this offering to provide the people who resonate with his work with an affordable way to access an unconditionally loving witness. Many past students of David have said that the best part of doing this work was having someone view them with unconditional positive regard. It is a sensation that many of us have never felt before, and that alone can be transformative.

  • I respect peoples' concerns about my awareness and capacity based on my social identity. I have been educated by many different teachers of all backgrounds who have experience, knowledge and awareness based on their social identity. That teaching has been a great privilege – a teaching that I am grateful to receive to this day.

Join UnShamed Monthly Medicine for this powerful community of coaches, healers, facilitators, and any human who craves radical self-acceptance, self-discovery, and profound healing