David Bedrick presents…
The Foundations of
UnShaming Bundle
Taste the freedom of a life without shame + experience what it would feel like to see yourself through unconditionally loving eyes.
For coaches, healers, therapists, and anyone who wishes to forge a new, compassionate relationship with your most authentic self. Receive David’s most powerful introductory teachings on shame for an exclusive discounted rate
Take the first loving step on
your UnShaming journey
In this special two-part bundle, you will…
Discover what UnShaming is and why it is the key to your deeper healing, self-love, and the unfolding of your gifts and “medicine."
Learn about the root causes of your shame so you can connect your early experiences of abuse and trauma with the present role of shame in your life.
Receive dozens of powerful UnShaming techniques, exercises, and prompts that you can use for the rest of your life to transform your pain into empowerment.
Understand how to use shame as a great teacher – to guide you, like a beacon, toward the parts of your soul that are desperate to be seen.
Experience the UnShaming process in real time. Many students have said that witnessing David model UnShaming was an eye opening and life changing experience.
Identify the 3 Keys to Healing Shame and common fallacies that have the potential to keep you trapped in shaming mindsets.
You will open a line of communication with your soul and descend into the very depths of your being, where you will unearth the parts of yourself that have been hidden by shame: your suffering, your gifts, your true feelings, and your most painful experiences.
What is UnShaming?
Most of us are, consciously or unconsciously, imprisoned by shame.
When you try to silence or change parts of your personality because they’re “too much”...
When you wish for a different body because you believe yours isn’t attractive enough…
When your inner voice abuses you with words like “I’m stupid,” “I’m ugly,” “I’m a failure”...
When you hide, self-censor, and reject yourself before others have a chance to…
When you wonder, “What will people think of me?”...
When you find certain feelings disturbing or problematic and try to make them ‘go away’...
When you constantly try to heal, fix, or change parts of yourself…
When you experience yourself as not powerful, beautiful, and intelligent…
All of these are ways shame can have a hold over your life.
Shame is not a feeling, it is a way of looking upon yourself and others.
Shame prevents you from truly knowing yourself and sharing your gifts with the world.
It keeps you small and invisible, afraid to fully explore the parts of your soul that are yearning to be brought forward and celebrated.
When you learn how to UnShame, you transform the internal viewpoint you have about yourself.
The result is a life where you are liberated from judgment, connected to your inner intelligence, and attuned to a profound sense of wellness.
A life where you understand what your next steps should be, as you begin to walk a path that is aligned with your soul purpose and the unique medicine you are here to share with the world.
UnShaming is one of the most impactful and fast-working techniques available to help you understand the true value and intelligence you have to share.
In this one-time masterclass, you’ll get a taste of what it would be like to forge a new, loving, compassionate relationship with your most authentic self by addressing shame at the root and learning techniques to release it from your consciousness.
What Past Students Are Saying…
Included in the Foundations of UnShaming:
STEP 1: Immerse Yourself in the UnShaming Paradigm + Witness UnShaming in Action
The Foundations of UnShaming Training
Feel the stirring of radical self-compassion and acceptance in your heart, mind, and body as you discover the rich and transformational ideas behind UnShaming.
During this 2-hour recorded video, you’ll gain an introductory understanding of what UnShaming is and how you can begin to weave this practice into your life.
You’ll witness UnShaming in action, as David leads real people through the work of UnShaming their deepest wounds. This real time modeling will help you to understand the attitude and mindset required for this work, and will provide you with a compass as you direct your own UnShaming journey.
This training will provide you with a picture of what it looks like to complete the UnShaming exercises that you’ll learn in the UnShamed Guidebook. You’ll have the opportunity to see where this work can lead someone, and hear a variety of people with different struggles and challenges progress through this work.
Many of his past students have said that watching David model this radical acceptance and love was one of the most deeply transformative parts of this work.
STEP 2: Descend into Your Inner Depths with Step-By-Step Exercises + Prompts
The UnShamed Guidebook
Transcend beyond the surface of your difficulties and unearth the shamed and rejected parts of your being, one guided practice at a time.
This 100-page pdf workbook features 50+ teachings, exercises, and journaling prompts to help you get clear on where shame appears in your life – often in places where you never thought to look.
You’ll walk away with a new understanding of the root causes of shame, and you’ll learn how to identify where it appears in your own narrative and life, guided by your somatic experience.
The practices within the Guidebook are both general and specific enough for you to apply them to many different experiences in your life.
Together, these tools have the power to exponentially change your perceptions in life, to reframe your greatest suffering into empowerment, and to allow your authentic self to emerge.
They will support you in moving your heart and body through the UnShaming paradigm, so that you can feel the possibility of a new way of experiencing yourself and the world.
And with lifelong access, you can return to this work again and again.
More of What Past Students Are Saying…

Imagine a life where…
You understand where shame appears in your story, and you can begin the process of liberating that energy from where it lives your body.
Your somatic work feels richer and more transformative because you have woven UnShaming into your inner work practice.
No matter where shame appears in your life – towards your feelings, boundaries, abuse, trauma, addiction, lifestyle, relationship, or needs – you have a sense of how you can apply UnShaming techniques to soothe your suffering.
You’ve taken the first steps to building psychological immunity to shame, and self-criticism and judgment begin to fall away from your daily experiences (while remembering that UnShaming is a lifelong process).
You know how to bring this work beyond your own individual healing and into the broader culture to UnShame your family, community, and the world.
When you UnShame, you are nurturing the garden of your healing by allowing the seeds of your true purpose to flower within you.
About David Bedrick
David Bedrick, J.D., Dipl. PW is a process worker, attorney and facilitator. He is the author of Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology and Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change. His latest book is You Can’t Judge a Body by Its Cover: 17 Women's Stories of Hunger, Body Shame and Redemption.
About his new book, Publisher’s Weekly wrote, “Bedrick celebrates 'the deep wisdom held in... hearts, minds, and bodies' of women in this powerful collection of profiles.”
David is the founder of the Santa Fe Institute for Shame based Studies where he teaches and works with individuals around the world.
You’ve spent your life trying to “fix” what is wrong with you.
But your deepest difficulties are not meant to go away. They’re there to help you become you.
Every part of yourself that you’ve tried to erase is an aspect of your truest self that has been trying as hard as it can to communicate with you. It’s time for you to ally with it.
This is the essence of UnShaming: unlocking your soul purpose on this planet, through forging a new relationship with your True Self.
The Foundations of UnShaming will give you the tools you need to begin your journey to a more compassionate, loving, and whole self.