A Four Part Series

The sun comes breathing fire, yet we don’t think something’s wrong with it.

Thunder and lightning appear, we may even run away, but we don’t question whether they are part of nature.

Yet, when anger arises, we move to suppress it, release it, meditate or heal it away.

In short, we treat our anger as a pathology – a symptom of an illness to be fixed, corrected or remedied.

In this workshop, we will meet anger with respect, honor, even love. We will meet it as an ally.

Session One: Suppression &Shame of Anger

Working with Shame and Internalized Oppression or "Why not be free to be angry?"

In this session you will learn about how and why you suppress anger by looking at your early personal story as well as social conditioning (e.g., sexism & racism). Identifying these conditionings is critical to understanding your relationship with anger.

Session Two: Inner Anger

Working with Inner Criticism or the building up of anger and the need for anger internally.

In this session you will learn how anger builds up as a result of persistent inner criticism that goes without notice or response. Identifying these inner dynamics is critical in developing self-love and abating projection onto others.

Session Three: Angry Words

Working with Anger in Relationships or using anger to work through co-dependent pattern.

In this session you will learn to connect with the words your anger wants to speak in order to stand up for your needs and break through co-dependent cycles in relationship. Having access to these words is critical in developing deeper relational intimacy.

Session Four: Angry Energy in the World

Working with Anger in the World or finding your power and ferocity to help follow your life path.

In this session, you will make contact with the deeper energy of anger – a force that can become an ally in your coming out with your dreams, creativity and social identity into the larger world. Making anger an ally is critical to bringing your gifts to the world and following a path of authenticity.

Self-Guided Course - Session Format:

The live classes are now complete so each of the four sessions are a recording for self-guided study.

Each recording consists of teachings, discussion, an exercise, and work with individuals in order to deepen the learning and model depth psychological techniques in working with anger.

The exercises are designed for you to meet anger somatically (in your body), in movement and dance, in sound, and in art.

Investment: $350

What Past Students Are Saying…

“David is one of the most brilliant voices in modern psychology today."

-Fannie LeFlore, MS,LPC,SAC, Psychotherapist and Writer

“Being a therapist and a lawyer, Bedrick is the ideal guide who masters both the realist's and the dreamer's overview of today's world."

-Arny Mindell, Ph.D., Psychologist, Author of Shamans Body and Quantum Mind

“David is one of the most spacious human beings I have ever met. Being in his presence is a truly healing experience.”

" There are no words broad enough to describe David's unique qualities, skills and insight. Not sure where I would be right now if he were not a part of my journey."

-Jame Vallone, J.D., Attorney

David Bedrick, JD, Dipl. PW, is a teacher, counselor, and attorney. He was on the faculty for the University of Phoenix and the Process Work Institute in the U.S. and Poland and is the founder of the Santa Fe Institute for Shame-based Studies where he offers facilitation training to deepen the skills and awareness of healers as well as workshops for individuals to further their own personal development. David’s embodied way of teaching is far more than informational, students are often brought to tears and face to face with their beauty, power, life path and soul. 

David’s passion for studying shame arose from his childhood, growing up with a father who used fists and belts to express his rage and a mother who coped by denying and gaslighting his experience. Over thirty years of research, teaching and working with individuals awakened his heart and mind to how the dominant healing paradigm pathologizes people - seeing our sufferings and ills as something to fix and cure, instead of messages to be understood and invitations to deepen our relationships with ourselves and the world around us. In this way, David understands our difficulties to be “dreams” - invitations to insight, soul, and the divine unfolding of our lives. 

David writes for Psychology Today and is the author of three books: Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology and Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change. His new book is You Can’t Judge a Body by Its Cover: 17 Women’s Stories of Hunger, Body Shame and Redemption.  

His upcoming book, The Unshaming Way, will be published by North Atlantic books in 2024.