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The Anatomy of Shame will arrive in your inbox in the next 10 minutes.

If you feel ready to take the next step towards a more compassionate, loving, and whole Self…

I invite you to join me in experiencing UnShaming in action through real time examples and hands-on guided practices:

The Foundations of

UnShaming Bundle

Taste the freedom of a life without shame + experience what it would feel like to see yourself through unconditionally loving eyes.

Unearth the shamed and rejected parts of your being with 50+ guided teachings, step-by-step exercises, and journaling prompts.

Receive David’s most powerful introductory teachings on shame for an exclusive discounted rate.

What’s included in the Foundations of UnShaming Bundle:

The Foundations of UnShaming Training (value $35)

In the 2-hour training video, you’ll see firsthand examples of how you can weave UnShaming into your life to help you resist and release shame.

You’ll witness UnShaming in action, as David leads real people through the work of UnShaming their deepest wounds. This real time modeling will help you to understand the attitude and mindset required for this work, and will provide you with a compass as you direct your own UnShaming journey.

The UnShamed Guidebook (value $45)

This 100-page pdf workbook features 50+ teachings, exercises, and journaling prompts to help you get clear on where shame appears in your life – often in places where you never thought to look.

You’ll walk away with a new understanding of the root causes of shame, and you’ll learn how to identify where it appears in your own narrative and life, guided by your somatic experience.


Get the Bundle for an exclusive discounted rate of $55

Together, these tools have the power to exponentially change your perceptions in life, to reframe your greatest suffering into empowerment, and to allow your authentic self to emerge.

They’ll support you in moving your heart and body through the UnShaming paradigm, so that you can feel the possibility of a new way of experiencing yourself and the world.

And with lifelong access, you can return to this work again and again.

What Past Students Are Saying…

“Profound and nurturing.”

“I didn’t realize how much I was shaming my fear when it was actually teaching me something quite valuable.”

“That feels SO EMPOWERING.”

“Through body-based exercises and tools, I learned how to hear my body’s language. This connection, this allowing, this medicine is the key to integrating and being able to express as me, wholly.”

“Hallelujah for you David… I am so resonating with you and so grateful for you.”

“Bawling my eyes out as my heart cracks wide open receiving this wisdom. The compassion that emanates from your words and heart is truly awe inspiring.”

“I love how David normalises all of the things I feel so isolated and awkward about.”

“David’s exercises bring everyone who is touched by them into contact with the fact that who you are, hidden within the aspects we are taught by regular society to reject, is our true gold. This work is the single most important and life-affirming experience so many of us could hope for, and needs to be shared with everyone.”