"Taste the freedom of a life without shame + experience what it would feel like to see yourself through unconditionally loving eyes."
Discover what unshaming is + why it is the key to your deeper healing, self-love, and the unfolding of your gifts and “medicine."
Learn about the root causes of shame in your life so you can connect your early experiences of abuse and trauma with shame’s power in your life.
Experience the unshaming process in real time. (My students say that my modeling of UnShaming can be an eye opening and life changing moment.)
Most essentially: Get a deep and nourishing taste of my paradigm and medicine.

Inside your greatest difficulties is a seed with the potential to flower into your greatest gifts.
UnShaming is how you nurture the garden of your healing.
What is UnShaming?
Most of us are, consciously or unconsciously, imprisoned by shame.
When you try to silence or change parts of your personality because they’re “too much”...
When you wish for a different body because you believe yours isn’t attractive enough…
When your inner voice abuses you with words like “I’m stupid,” “I’m ugly,” “I’m a failure”...
When you hide, self-censor, and reject yourself before others have a chance to…
When you wonder, “What will people think of me?”...
When you constantly try to heal, fix, or change parts of yourself…
All of these are ways shame can have a hold over your life.
Shame is not a feeling, it is a way of looking upon yourself and others.
Shame prevents you from truly knowing yourself and sharing your gifts with the world. It keeps you small and invisible, afraid to fully explore the parts of your soul that are yearning to be brought forward and celebrated.
When you learn how to unshame, you transform the internal view point you have about yourself.
The result is a life where you are liberated from judgment, connected to your inner intelligence, and attuned to a profound sense of wellness.
A life where you understand what your next steps should be, as you begin to walk a path that is aligned with your soul purpose and the unique medicine you are here to share with the world.
Unshaming is one of the most impactful and fast-working techniques available to help you understand the true value and intelligence you have to share.
In this one-time masterclass, you’ll get a taste of what it would be like to forge a new, loving, compassionate relationship with your most authentic self by addressing shame at the root and learning techniques to release it from your consciousness.
Get instant access to this 2 hour recorded training!

What Past Students Are Saying…
“Holy F, David! This is incredibly helpful.”
“Thank you David. I am already unshaming myself.”
“Thank you, you’re a delight to learn from.”
“David, this is first time I’ve heard you or your ideas, wow…this is life changing and work changing for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“Thank you David, this unshamed view of things is going to change me forever!”
“David creates a very safe container to do this work.”
David Bedrick, JD, Dipl. PW, is a teacher, counselor, and attorney. He was on the faculty for the University of Phoenix and the Process Work Institute in the U.S. and Poland and is the founder of the Santa Fe Institute for Shame-based Studies where he offers facilitation training to deepen the skills and awareness of healers as well as workshops for individuals to further their own personal development. David’s embodied way of teaching is far more than informational, students are often brought to tears and face to face with their beauty, power, life path and soul.
David’s passion for studying shame arose from his childhood, growing up with a father who used fists and belts to express his rage and a mother who coped by denying and gaslighting his experience. Over thirty years of research, teaching and working with individuals awakened his heart and mind to how the dominant healing paradigm pathologizes people - seeing our sufferings and ills as something to fix and cure, instead of messages to be understood and invitations to deepen our relationships with ourselves and the world around us. In this way, David understands our difficulties to be “dreams” - invitations to insight, soul, and the divine unfolding of our lives.
David writes for Psychology Today and is the author of three books: Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology and Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change. His new book is You Can’t Judge a Body by Its Cover: 17 Women’s Stories of Hunger, Body Shame and Redemption.
His upcoming book, The Unshaming Way, will be published by North Atlantic books in 2024.