David Bedrick, J.D., Dipl. PW is a process worker, attorney and facilitator. He is the author of Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology and Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change. His latest book is You Can’t Judge a Body by Its Cover: 17 Women's Stories of Hunger, Body Shame and Redemption. About his new book, Publisher’s Weekly wrote, “Bedrick celebrates 'the deep wisdom held in... hearts, minds, and bodies' of women in this powerful collection of profiles.”

David is the founder of the Santa Fe Institute for Shame based Studies where he teachers and works with individuals around the world.


Lisa Blair, M.A., Dipl. PW, is a scholar, writer, artistst, and Certified Processwork Diplomate. Since 2009, she's worked with women and couples around the world specializing in emotional intimacy, empowerment, and high sensitivity. Lisa and her partner David Bedrick co-host In Two Deep, a podcast about relationships and emotional intimacy. She’s also co-publisher at Belly Song Press, a small independent publisher of nonfiction books on psychology, social justice, leadership, relationship, and critical thought and is an adjunct faculty member at the Process Work Institute in Portland, OR. Lisa is currently in the process of earning a Ph.D. in Transformative Studies at CIIS (California Institute for Integral Studies) with a focus on emotional intimacy in long-term romantic partnership. For more info., visit www.lisablair.com.