We take supplements to improve our body’s health.

We take herbal tinctures, homeopathic remedies, and flower essences.

But what about your relationship’s health?

If you were offered a monthly supplement that would greatly improve your relationship’s health for the same price you pay for the one that supports your body…

Would you say YES?

Relationship Supplement


with Lisa Blair & David Bedrick

A sacred space of intimacy, authenticity, and awareness where, once a month, we gather together in community to unshame our relationships so that they don’t just survive—they thrive.

“When a formerly shamed part of yourself becomes unshamed, it doesn’t just come into the light. It flowers.”

—David Bedrick
The Unshaming Way

Consider this…

In 2023 alone, global consumers spent over $177 billion on dietary supplements, not to mention the billions more spent each year on alternative medicine.

Indeed, it’s not uncommon for people to regularly spend upwards of $45 a month on supplements to support their body’s health, often not knowing for certain what improvement they are actually providing.

Many also invest in books, therapy, webinars, and workshops devoting precious time, energy, and resources to their self-development hoping to heal from their individual emotional trauma, attachment issues, and psychological wounds. While these approaches are beneficial in many ways providing a healing balm to individual ailments and, by extension, to the relationships of those individuals, they fall short in providing nourishment to the relationships themselves.

We even blame our partners, friends, and loved ones, judging them for not doing their individual work, as if that would solve all of our problems with them. Don’t get us wrong—we all need to do our individual work, but alone, it is insufficient and unsustainable when it comes to cultivating and maintaining true intimacy.

We treat relationship problems as if they can be solved through our individual work alone.

While we focus on our individual health, healing, and wellness, our relationships are left unaddressed, relegated to the shadows, disturbing our attempts to maintain a harmonious status quo. We gaslight our relationships, treating them like problems we feel burdened by.

We grow increasingly resentful—grumpiness builds to frustration, frustration builds to hopelessness, hopelessness builds to scar tissue.

Years or even decades later, we wonder how the distance with the other person has grown from a seemingly harmless gap to an insurmountable chasm.

To make matters worse, all too often, our relationships get our dregs—our last scraps of energy, resource, and attention. And yet we wonder why they are failing. And why we don’t feel close and connected anymore.

How much do you invest in the health of your cherished relationships?

Do you attend to them only when they get difficult or when they fail to produce the satisfaction, happiness, and harmony that you would like? Or do you wait until they are falling apart, or worse…

“The wind left. And I wept. And I said to myself:
What have you done with the garden that was entrusted to you?”

The Wind, One Brilliant Day by Antonio Machado

Now what?

We have learned to care for our bodies, our psyches, and our feelings, but not for the health of our relationships.

How do we do that? Do we have a date night? Do we go on vacation? Do we go to therapy together?

We may take some time off together or have a few conversations, but how do we nourish the details? How do we take care of the things that get lost along the way? How do we digest, unfold, and process together what we’re experiencing day-to-day, month-to-month, and year-to-year? Where can we go to learn the skills, perspectives, and modeling we need to address the challenges in our relationships?

Relationship Supplement is an opportunity to nourish your relationships once a month—giving them the symbolic water, food, sunlight, and medicine they need to not just survive, but to thrive.

When our relationships are thriving, it creates a cascading positive effect on our entire lives—physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Our relationships are the key to our feelings of success, abundance, resiliency, connection, purpose…and JOY.

Once a month, Relationship Supplement gives you a safe, sacred space to pause, reflect, pick out some of the difficulties your relationships are struggling with, take them out of the closet, dust them off, and process them. Learn essential skills. Learn paradigm-shifting perspectives. Laugh together and cry together. Make loving community with people who, like you, value relationships and intimacy.

Breathe new life into your relationships.

What’s more—working on relationships is an anti-colonizing act.

Because in oppressive systems including colonization, capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy, we don’t value relationships. If we have a conflict in our relationships, it means we’d have to spend time, energy, and focus on working it through and that takes away from the primary focus of getting back to making so-called progress and being productive. In effect, those systems constantly send us messages demanding we “keep moving forward and get back to business” ignoring or dismissing what is happening in our relationship lives. The very real colonization of our bodies, land, language, and indigenous heritage includes the colonization of our minds, hearts, and relationships, for their existence is meant only to serve at the mercy of the colonizer’s agenda: domination, greed, and unimpeded power at the expense of human life, love, and sovereignty.

Our feelings, intuition, and relational intelligence get cut off at the knees, unable to unfold and flower into the beauty imbedded within. Sensitivity, humility, authenticity, and vulnerability—the fulvic minerals of intimacy—are left to dry out, leaving behind a vast desert wasteland where our relationship garden once bloomed.

Relationship Supplement is a radical and novel approach to relationships and intimacy where relationship building becomes an anti-colonizing act of resistance. We know our relationships are sacred. We won’t let them be thrown away. Instead, together we will resurrect them and exalt them to their rightful place in our hearts and communities—relationships as wise teachers and bearers of beauty, power, and intelligence.

Join us in our dream of building a sacred community, where we celebrate intimacy and relationships in all their diverse beauty. 

Join us in unshaming our relationships. Join us to help resolve the difficulties and conflicts that disrupt the love, but yet are opportunities for its flowering. Join us to watch other couples and individuals work on relationships in community—something that’s almost never seen. Join us to witness Lisa and David model their own relationship struggles, difficulties, successes, and joys. Join us for new skills on how to wrestle with projections, conflict, chronic relationship difficulties, and the dis-ease that comes from having natural diversity in your relationship.

Here is a glimpse at the types of topics we’ll cover during our monthly Relationship Supplement sessions…

No topic is off the table.

While most Relationship Supplement sessions will have a particular focal point and often an exercise centering on that topic, you can bring anything related to relationships and intimacy to our calls. There will also be some sessions where we simply take your questions—an Ask Us Anything call.

What People are Saying…

“Lisa and David truly are a perfect teaching duo.”

“I feel so touched and inspired by how real you both are with the group and with each other. No one’s ever modeled that to me before. I’m so grateful. It’s such a gift for you to show your relationship to us all. I’ve never seen anything like it. Thank you.”


“David and Lisa’s work is medicine for my soul! Getting to see them teach together is totally game-changing! The alchemy between them is so beautiful to experience and puts everything I’m learning into a potent, palpable context. It feels like pieces of a puzzle coming together in my subconscious, and I am feeling grateful and excited. Thank you both!”

“David and Lisa are the real deal—their wisdom will leave you speechless, touched, and fully yourself. Whatever you’ve learned about relationships, conflict, or growth pales in comparison to the lived wisdom they offer. They don’t pretend to be a ‘perfect’ couple; they are authentic, walking their talk and sharing from the heart. You’ll feel seen, recognized, and accepted—exactly as you are, today.”


“David and Lisa are such permission slips! I feel so much more freedom in my life—it’s beautiful! Their work is so powerful and transformative on a very deep level.

Take our Relationship Health Quotient (RHQ) Self-Assessment Test

  • Are there a number of issues that either haven’t gotten brought up or have not been processed at all?

  • Can you weather storms, dry periods, and time apart?

  • Are there old hurts or recurring hurts where people haven’t shared the pain?

  • Are there ongoing hot conflicts, resentments, and hostilities?

  • Do you always find yourself playing the same role in your relationship or stuck in long-term patterns?

  • Are you regularly feeling frightened or intimidated by the other person? Or, are you craving to be ‘met’ more in your power and energy?

  • Are you maturing together and becoming more yourselves over time?

  • Or, are you regularly feeling in a ‘dead zone’ together, getting along fine, but not feeling excited, passionate, or engaged?

  • Are you aware of the main chronic issues and dynamics that need continued support? Are you awake to what your relationship could feel like at its very best?

If these questions resonate, the Relationship Supplement is for you.

Relationship Supplement is also for you if…

  • You want to learn how to apply Unshaming skills and attitudes to your intimate relationships whether they be with a partner, friend, parent, child, or other cherished person in your life.

  • Despite all the self-development and healing work you’ve done, you feel like your relationship is suffering from conflict, a lack of closeness, or a general feeling of malaise. You crave a deeper, more intimate, and more alive relationship with your partner, friend, or loved one.

  • You long for more freedom and permission to be yourself in relationship while still caring for the other person. You long to feel met, seen, and alive without sacrificing closeness and connection.

  • You crave having relationships that are not held captive by painful experiences, and you desire to fundamentally change how you relate so that your relationship becomes a safe haven.

  • You are a facilitator, coach, or healer who wants to deepen your understanding of how to unshame relationships so that you can bring this radical work into your own practice.

  • You want the opportunity to unpack issues that have been nagging at your relationships and feel like they just cycle over and over again, with no sustainable change.

  • You want to live in a world that nourishes the belief that relationships and intimacy are vital to everyone’s wellbeing and that, when the right skills, attitudes, and witnessing are applied to our relationships, we all thrive.

  • You long for a like-minded, loving, and safe community where sharing authentically about our relationships is regarded as sacred and healing for all. Isolation is no longer a sustainable option.

  • You already digested previous doses of David’s unshaming medicine and are hungry to see how he and Lisa apply unshaming to relationships.

All are welcome.

The Phases of Relationship Supplement Membership


The Phases of Relationship Supplement Membership 〰️


After just one session of Relationship Supplement, you will likely notice breakthrough shifts in your perspective about relationships and intimacy. Some people report feeling a newfound pleasure and joy as if they’ve been given a permission slip to be their more whole selves in their relationships. Others are moved in the core of their being on an embodied level by witnessing how Lisa and David interact with each other and the group in such an authentic way, modeling a radical approach to relationship. Still others learn critical tools, skills, and attitudes for working with conflict and communication. Regardless, you’ll start to understand how shame shows up in your own relationship story and you’ll also plant precious seeds within yourself for greater awareness, love, and compassion to grow. Finally, you’ll get what may be your first taste of a deeper intimacy that is possible with those you hold most dear.


You’ll start to sense momentum building in your ability to view yourself and your relationships through an unshaming lens. Much like learning to ride a bicycle, you’ll be able to get on, find your balance, and begin to ride. As this happens, you’ll begin to notice shaming thoughts about your relationships as they arise and gently reframe them in an unshamed way. This growing comfort with unshaming will open doorways to the intimacy that is longing to be revealed both in your inner relationship with yourself and in your most cherished relationships.


Your thoughts, words, and actions in relationship will naturally become more and more unshaming. You will have the skills, attitudes, and perspectives to break out of painful relationship dynamics and long-standing habitual patterns. The thoughts, behaviors, and communication styles you are familiar with—that you used to get stuck in—will fall away, and in their place will emerge a newfound depth of intimacy, joy, and freedom. You’ll notice yourself being more authentically and truly you in relationship without sacrificing love and connection. You will unearth your unique relational intelligence and consequently, you will begin to automatically and effortlessly unshame your relationships.

What’s Inside the Membership

  • Live monthly 2.5-hour Relationship Supplement sessions on Zoom

  • Access to recordings of all previous sessions for as long as you’re in the membership, so that you can go deeper into this work on your own time and you never need to worry about missing a session

  • Work directly with David & Lisa in a safe, loving, and permissive space during the monthly sessions (limited to a certain number of individuals or couples per session)

  • Experience Unshaming relationship skills and practices modeled in real time

  • Monthly opportunity to study each of Lisa’s & David’s unique, authentic teaching styles (especially useful for those who teach or want to teach)

  • An appointed time to devote to the care and tending of your relationships

  • Access to a global Unshaming community of learners and practitioners interested in relationships and intimacy

  • A monthly supplement to upgrade and support your regular relationship practices

Relationship Supplement
is a monthly membership program.

Of course, you are free to begin and discover whether this is right for you and decide not to continue at any time.

But the vision of this offering is to build a longer-term community of those who are moved by our approach to unshaming relationships, conflict, and intimacy, those who will further the ripple effect of this paradigm and practice, in their own relationships and in their work with others. 

It is not designed for people who want a single session on a drop-in basis. 

Class Schedule

Live Zoom classes will run one Tuesday a month
from 11am -1:30 pm Pacific Time; 2pm - 4:30pm Eastern Time; 20:00 - 22:30 pm GMT +1

Upcoming class dates in 2025:

Tuesday, Jan. 21st 2025

Tuesday, Feb. 11th 2025

Tuesday, Mar. 11th 2025

Tuesday, Apr. 8th 2025

Tuesday, May. 20th 2025

Tuesday, Jun. 10th 2025

Tuesday, Jul. 8th 2025

Tuesday, Aug. 19th 2025

Tuesday, Sept. 9 2025

Tuesday, Oct. 14 2025

Tuesday, Nov. 11 2025

Tuesday, Dec. 9 2025


This is where the link will jump to


For Individuals -

$45 monthly

New Member Special:

$35 monthly for first 3 months*

*Savings of $30! Price automatically goes up to $45 monthly after the first 3 months.


For Couples -

$75 monthly

New Member Special:

$65 monthly for first 3 months*

*Savings of $30! Price automatically goes up to $75 monthly after the first 3 months.


Double Membership Special -
$45 monthly

If you’re already a member of Unshamed Monthly Medicine, join Relationship Supplement for only $30* monthly

*Savings of $15/month in membership fees—that’s $75 per month (instead of $90) to be a member of BOTH communities!

What People are Saying…

“As someone who dances with her partner’s often diametrically opposed style, I am really touched by the way Lisa and David braid and weave their intelligences in this space. They look like two gorgeous octopuses, waving their sensing arms gently around, sometimes touching in with each other, always observing and tuning to each other and to the room.

“David and Lisa’s new paradigm around conflict and intimacy is absolutely phenomenal! It’s something that is lacking in our world on so many levels. I am loving seeing Unshaming brought into the context of relationship as a safe way to have feelings expressed—not suppressed—offering a gateway to deeper intimacy.”

“Lisa and David are so open and transparent and in a sense, playful and joyous about their own conflicts and intimacy. Just them being this way with one another has a limbic resonance—an energy and imprint for every single person sitting in their course. For me, that, in itself, is the most priceless element of the course.”

Meet Lisa

Lisa Blair, MA, Dipl. PW, is a modern-day Renaissance Woman who follows an embodied path of Sovereign Beauty. She is a consultant and coach, a spirit-led maker and sage, a scholar, writer, artist, lover, and fashionista. As an International Women’s Consultant, she coaches and teaches internationally, specializing in emotional intimacy, high sensitivity, and empowerment from a process-oriented perspective. As a PhD candidate at the California Institute of Integral Studies, her doctoral work explores redefining intimacy to address the unprecedented challenges romantic partners face in a postnormal world. Her research has been published in World Futures, the Journal of Consciousness Studies, and the 2nd edition of the International Handbook of Love. She and her husband David Bedrick co-host In Two Deep, a podcast about emotional intimacy, conflict, and connection from a depth psychological perspective. Lisa is also the publisher at Belly Song Press, a small independent press of nonfiction titles in psychology, social justice, and leadership. www.lisablair.com

Meet David

David Bedrick, JD, Dipl. PW, is a teacher, counselor, and attorney. He grew up in a family marked by violence. While his father’s brutality was physical and verbal, his mother’s denial and gaslighting had its own covert power. This formative context introduced David early to the etiology of shame and instilled an urge to unshame.

Professionally, he was on the faculty for the University of Phoenix and the Process Work Institute in the U.S. and Poland and is the founder of the Santa Fe Institute for Shame-based Studies where he trains therapists, coaches and healers and offers workshops for individuals to further their own personal development.

David writes for Psychology Today and is the author of three books: Talking Back to Dr. Phil:Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology, Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change and You Can’t Judge a Body by Its Cover: 17 Women’s Stories of Hunger, Body Shame and Redemption.

His fourth book, The Unshaming Way, was just published by North Atlantic books in 2024.