with David Bedrick
The 6 week training to UnShame your life and connect with your own deepest intelligence, so you can unlock your authentic self and live in alignment with your purpose.
For any human who craves to deeply know your whole self through expanded consciousness, self-love, and self-awareness.
Feeling shame means you are resisting your own wisdom and value. When you use this as an invitation to communicate with part of your soul, the next stage of your life begins.
What is UnShaming?
Most of us are, consciously or unconsciously, imprisoned by shame.
When you try to silence or change parts of your personality because they’re “too much”...
When you wish for a different body because you believe yours isn’t attractive enough…
When your inner voice abuses you with words like “I’m not smart enough,” “I’m too ugly,” “I’m a failure,” “I’m a procrastinator,” “I’m undisciplined,” “I self-medicate”...
When you hide, self-censor, and reject yourself before others have a chance to…
When you wonder, “What will people think of me?”...
When you constantly try to heal, fix, or change parts of yourself…
All of these are ways shame can have a hold over your life.
Over the course of our lives, layers and layers of shame build up based on ideas about who we’re supposed to be. It comes from external voices – your family, society – but as a child, you internalize it. And all of those “shoulds” become a wall that separates you from who you truly are: your gifts, your purpose, the essential aliveness you were born with.
In this way, shame prevents you from fully knowing yourself and sharing your gifts with the world. It keeps you small and invisible, afraid to fully explore the parts of your soul that are yearning to be brought forward and celebrated.
When you learn how to UnShame, it feels like meeting yourself for the first time.
The result is a life where you are liberated from judgment, connected to your inner intelligence, freer to express your true self, and able to create YOUR own path that is aligned with your soul purpose and the unique medicine you are here to share with the world.
UnShaming is one of the most impactful and fast-working techniques available to help you understand the true value and intelligence you have to share.
In this training, you will forge a new, loving and compassionate relationship with your most authentic self by addressing shame at the root and learning techniques to release it from your consciousness.
… your eyes will open to a new way of seeing yourself - a way of forges a new, loving and compassionate relationship with your most authentic self. You will see how shame pervades the way you look at your own development, how it leads you to try and heal yourself of yourself. You may even be shocked to learn how rare it is to be looked at with UnShaming eyes - eyes that delve fiercely and gently into what it’s really like to be you.
Have you spent years trying to “heal” the parts of yourself that you’re ashamed of?
You’ve tried therapy, hypnosis, shadow work, somatic experiencing, 12-step programs, or any number of other approaches that were supposed to “fix” the way you feel.
Some of these may have helped, but they haven’t helped as much or as quickly as you thought they would.
No matter how much time you’ve spent on personal development, you’re still dealing with the same challenges that have haunted you throughout your life.
You still find yourself…
Fawning and freezing when you feel criticized, challenged, or intimidated
Beating yourself up in a way that mimics early violence or abuse you experienced. It’s like you can never win with yourself
In an endless cycle of trying to lose weight before you can love your body
Researching ways to fix or disguise your neurodiverse brain because you’ve been told the way you think is wrong
Exhausted with trying to change the parts of yourself that someone once told you were wrong or bad – whether it’s the way you look, dress, talk, think, or feel
So focused on trying to become what you think you should be that you’ve lost track of your own needs and desires
You’ve spent your life trying to erase parts of yourself and “fix” what is wrong with you through shame.
Shame is how you face what disturbs you. Shame twists your healing path, leading you to turn against yourself, wishing you were someone else, or simply believing that something is wrong with you.
But there is another option: Facing your difficulties as if there is a deep message and meaning in them, as if they are offering doorways to the shadow’s gold, as if they are invitations to embracing your wholeness like never before.
You will leave Un-shamed with new eyes and a new relationship with yourself.
Because the parts of yourself that you’re ashamed of are the keys to unlocking your authentic Self.
Start On Your UnShaming Journey Today
1 Payment of $560
2 monthly payments of $280 — $280 today + $280 in 30 days
When you enroll, you’ll get…
6 Recorded Trainings with David: During these weekly trainings, you’ll delve into the most pressing aspects of UnShaming that David has identified during his 20+ years of experience doing this work.
The UnShamed Play Book, a 100-page workbook to guide you through all the material and practices.
Q&A Recordings: Questions answered and witness UnShaming in real time.
A Digital Copy of David’s Book, You Can’t Judge a Body By Its Cover.
Resources for Further Exploration: Throughout this course, David will share relevant teachings, articles, and books to help you dive deeper into this work.
Lifetime Access to the Recordings
Most people don’t realize that when you try to heal or erase psychological and bodily suffering, you are stifling a valuable part of yourself.
And your shame is your greatest teacher.
That ever-present hum of dissatisfaction in your life is there because there are parts of yourself that are not being lived.
Your soul won’t let you rest until you understand the beauty & intelligence it’s trying to point you toward.
The part of yourself you’ve been trying to fix is an aspect of your truest self that has been trying as hard as it can to communicate with you. It’s time for you to ally with it.
Our deepest difficulties are not meant to go away, they’re there to help you become you.
Un-shaming is the process of unlocking your soul purpose on this planet, through forging a new relationship with your True Self.
If you constantly ask yourself:
“What’s wrong with me?”
“How can I heal, fix, or change the difficulties in my life?”
“Why am I so stupid? Why am I so ugly?”
“Why do I want something that is wrong?”
“Why can’t I be a better mother/partner/friend? I should be doing and saying X instead…”
Then it’s likely that you have been imprisoned by shame.
For over 30 years, I’ve supported my students in creating a life free from shame, where they are deeply connected to the wisdom and vitality of their truest self.
A life where…
You feel deep love and compassion toward every part of who you are, especially the parts you’ve tried to change or suppress in the past.
Your chronic inner voice of criticism is gone, creating a judgment-free space inside yourself where new self-awareness and appreciation can guide your actions and decisions.
In times of difficulty, you have a toolbox of skills you can call on that will help you face hardship with a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs.
You are confident in who you are, and no one – not your family, your partner, or society – can shame you into being anything else.
You have an open line of communication with your soul, and your inner wisdom guides you toward deeper alignment with your purpose every day.
You approach your whole being – including chronic pain, mental health challenges, or illness – with compassion and understanding that transforms your pain into wellbeing.

When you UnShame, you are nurturing the garden of your healing by allowing the seeds of your true purpose to flower within you.
Every “bad” thing you see within yourself is a seed with profound potential to blossom into something wonderful.
That means the things you most desire to change about yourself. Your depression, your body image, your insomnia, your relationship problems, your codependence, your migraines, your parenting…
Each of these things is a seed inside you.
When you learn how to witness them without shame, you will find that they become the most beautiful flowers in your garden.
What You’ll Learn in UnShamed
Through a carefully sequenced series of 6 sessions, you will see how shame weaves its insidious web, blinding you, convincing you that you are less beautiful, intelligent and powerful than you really are.
In each session, we will delve deeper into shame: how it shows up, insidious places it can hide within ourselves, and how you can release your old shame patterns for greater clarity and empowerment.
Introduction to Shame
During our first session, we will define shame and elucidate its meaning. On the live call, you will have the opportunity to experience un-shaming firsthand as David takes student questions and guides you through un-shaming your stories in real time.
You’ll also be led through an exercise where you get your first taste at UnShaming a difficulty you have and begin to experience the wisdom of your somatic experience.
By the end of this first week, you’ll understand how shame shows up in your own narrative, which is the vital first step to welcoming greater self-awareness, love, and compassion into your life.
UnShaming Your Boundaries
Learning to follow the will, wims, threats and authority of others is one way our boundaries get overridden early and later in life. In essence, our boundary-making capacity gets shamed. Learning to set boundaries is essential to NOT ALLOWING shame to fester inside you. Boundaries are a way of witnessing your integrity, your body, your truth, your needs - YOU.
Breaking shame’s grip requires you to empower your capacity to create boundaries. Here, you will build a relationship with that power, connect with where it lives in your body, and understand the early stories in your life that may have robbed you of your power to create boundaries.
You will understand how to deeply communicate with your own needs and desires, and how to turn those into boundaries that protect your soul and your energy.
UnShaming Your Feelings; Deepening your relationship with your body/soma
Our feelings are a living world within us. Many of us were shamed for our emotions as children, especially if you’re highly sensitive or people in your life told you to “toughen up, ” or if you had a powerful voice and expression and silenced, censored, or muted.
This week, we will work with the intelligence of your emotions, including how they show up in the body and how you can identify feelings that have been stifled by shame. You will learn how to identify how shame fits into your narrative around emotions, so you can release it.
You will practice the specific skill, through somatic experiencing, of UnShaming feelings that create difficulty for you.
When you un-shame your feelings, you will open a doorway to the intelligence they are here to share with you.
Shame has its origin in the painful experiences we have when we are young. When you are denied, dismissed or gaslighted at a young age, you internalize these ways of witnessing yourself. That is to say, you learn to treat yourself, internally, as you were treated as a child AND learn how to deny, dismiss, and gaslight your inner experience.
The result: you fall prey to destructive inner criticism, which lives in the shadows of your mind, under the radar of your awareness. In essence, the abuse continues internally AND we remain unconscious of it and therefore don’t address it, stop it, or care for ourselves properly.
In this session, you will learn drama-therapeutic techniques to begin processing the inner dialogue (this is similar to one of the central tenets and approaches of internal family systems).
In this session, you will work on your deepest responses to these forms of abuse and criticism. develop your power to defend yourself from these abuses and develop compassion for yourself.
UnShaming Inner Criticism (the beginning of abuse work)
UnShaming Abuse Stories
Shame has its origin in the painful experiences we have when we are young. When you are denied, dismissed or gaslighted at a young age, you internalize these ways of witnessing yourself. That is to say, you learn to treat yourself, internally, as you were treated as a child AND learn how to deny, dismiss, and gaslight your inner experience.
The result: you fall prey to destructive inner criticism, which lives in the shadows of your mind, under the radar of your awareness. And so you continue to subject yourself to this internal abuse and shame without noticing it.
In this session you will learn drama-therapeutic techniques to begin processing the inner dialogue (this is similar to one of the central tenets and approaches of internal family systems).
In this session, you will work on your deepest responses to these forms of abuse and criticism. develop your power to defend yourself from these abuses and develop compassion for yourself.
Your Trauma, Your Gifts
Inside your pain, there is a seed that has the potential to flower into wisdom.
Inside your wounds is medicine that you are meant to share with the world. Shame often points us toward our deepest healing gifts.
In this session, you will find clarity around the best way to hone those gifts so that you can experience deeper alignment with your soul purpose. You will walk away understanding why you are the way you are, what unique wisdom you are meant to share, and how you can use your own wounds to heal others.
How to know if you’re ready for UnShamed
UnShamed is for you if…
You desire to live a soulful path – one that is closer to your deepest humanity, radical nature, and the great diversity that lives inside of you and in the world
You want to STOP looking at what’s wrong with you and instead focus on the gifts, powers and intelligence that live in your hidden self and wounds
You are hungry for a profound and radical self-acceptance
You regard deepening your intimacy with yourself and others as equally as important, or more important, than “getting over,” “fixing,” or “changing” yourself
Your want a healing journey that authentically addresses your past suffering (without bypassing) WHILE ALSO helping your find the next step on your future path
You’ve already tried different approaches to feeling better: courses on healing, therapy, somatic work, shadow work, or any number of other techniques. But they haven’t helped you as much as you expected.
This program is NOT for you if…
You are not interested in deeper investigation and learning about yourself; you just want the pain/difficulties in your life to go away.
You don’t believe there is meaning and intelligence in your body, your dreams, or your patterns. You simply think these are pathologies to diagnose and cure.
We are not just looking at your thoughts. We will also be examining the above as ways your soul is trying to communicate with you.
Your goal is to heal your trauma forever
This program will help you understand and process your abuse and trauma. BUT trauma is a kind of wound that deserves more than these 6 weeks. If trauma is your main interest, you will very likely want and need more than this program.
However, UnShamed WILL teach you tools that you can fall back on throughout your life to process trauma, so you can get your biggest gifts from it.
The idea that you can do some work and suddenly your trauma disappears is inherently shaming. Within that belief, there is no room for you to understand every part of yourself.
We will not be looking at “healing” or “fixing” your trauma, but through the process of UnShaming you will discover new ways to relate to your traumas. For many of my clients, this has created some relief from pain and given them a more compassionate way to view themselves.
You are looking to solve a very specific problem (losing weight, avoiding drama, overcoming mental health issues, ending chronic pain, etc.) and you haven’t tried other methods to relieve your suffering
If you are only interested in working on one area, I recommend trying other programs specifically focused on that thing.
While UnShaming can address and transform every area of your life, we are looking at the whole of you, not the parts.
What Past Students Are Saying…
"I’m Simone, marketing mentor and life coach. And for most of my life, shame controlled me.
Throughout most of my teens and 20’s, I was a professional hider. I was a singer who avoided auditions. I didn’t apply to the vast majority of jobs I wanted, because I would rather stay under-paid than experience rejection. Even after I learned coaching, I had difficulty telling people that I had a gift to offer.
As a healing and self-development junkie, I’ve learned and practiced every tool under the sun to try to alleviate the pain of shame, and the way it constantly obstructed my ability to go after what I want.
But here’s the truth. In all those years, all that the best tools offered me was temporary relief from shame. I was resigned to living with shame, thinking of it like a “chronic disease” that can’t completely be cured, but can be “managed.” After all, life isn’t all roses and daisies, right?
Enter David Bedrick, a brilliant and unconventional therapist.
Working with him did something that I didn’t even know was possible, and something that I’ve never even seen modeled before: the complete and permanent healing of shame.
It was just… done. It no longer had a hold over me. Finished. Forever.
I actually could not believe it. I could still cry, thinking about the freedom and power I found afterward.
The impact on my business has been seismic — both energetically and financially."
– Simone Seol
“I cherish the UnShaming space David is able to create. It is clear that he lives what he teaches.
“There's a way in which a class with David is akin to an inoculation against the ‘shaming witness’ that is Western society, is capitalism, is mental health oppression, is patriarchy, is colonialism, is White Supremacy. Once inoculated, denial breaks down and everywhere one looks one sees the ugly violence of shame being perpetuated against the most tender and vulnerable and misunderstood parts of ourselves.
“What bravery it is to become one who UnShames, one who pauses and listens to the buried whispers of world weary souls. May I live what David has taught me. May I know what it means to truly be a loving witness, for myself and for others.”
— Tessa Wren Greene
“David Bedrick is a gentle warrior. His methodology is phenomenal. The most kind, soft, powerful vehicle I’ve ever encountered to heal trauma and release shame. I wish everyone would adopt this way of helping people through pain. Known and unknown.”
— Sue
“David has a lovely wisdom and skill for liberating a truth you didn't know was there! I'm in the process of my third workshop with him and it's changed my life in ways I could've never imagined.”
— Paula Retter
“Profound and nurturing. The UnShaming workshop with David is a catalyst for deep learning. I was able to truly be with my body in a safe space of my own creation.
“Through body-based exercises and tools, I learned how to hear my body's language. This connection, this allowing, this medicine is the key to integrating and being able to express as me, wholly. Humbled and grateful.”
— Evelyn Salcedo-Phoeuk
“I’m savouring every moment of being in the program, and slowly feeling those deep internalised beliefs and voices shift.
“This is life- changing work and the reverberations are enormous. Thank you for sharing your life’s work and experience with us ❤️”
“David, this experience has been shifting bedrock level things inside me in ways I can sense are only just opening. It’s beautiful!
“I feel like I’m birthing a new me. And I’ve shared ideas and the exercises with my mom who was abused as a child and she’s finding healing she’s never felt 😭 Thank you for these gifts!”
— Shanna
“Thank you for helping me see myself, my story, with a brighter, more empathetic and humane lense. Your course on shame was profoundly transformative, leaving me with a renewed consciousness of the poetry of life.
“Tatiana St-Louis
“I don’t recommend a white male coach to POC groups, however David Bedrick sees you and can help us unshame our identity. Social shame and internalized shame will kill us slowly if we don’t do this work. To show up in a monolith pressured society with our gifts we have to recognize when shame is projected onto us and then we can unshame ourselves.”
— Aenoy
Enroll In UnShamed Today
1 Payment of $560
2 monthly payments of $280 — $280 today + $280 in 30 days
When you enroll, you’ll get…
Recordings of the 6 Trainings with David: During these weekly trainings, you’ll delve into the most pressing aspects of UnShaming that David has identified during his 20+ years of experience doing this work.
The UnShamed Play Book, a 100-page workbook to guide you through all the material and practices.
Q&A Videos: Where your questions answered and witness UnShaming in real time.
A Digital Copy of David’s Book, You Can’t Judge a Body By Its Cover.
Resources for Further Exploration: Throughout this course, David will share relevant teachings, articles, and books to help you dive deeper into this work.
Lifetime Access to the Recordings
The liv training series began on Thursday, March 16, 2023, recordings are now available.
Each session will be live on Zoom.
There will be plenty of time for students to ask questions and get direction from David as they process through the theory and exercises.
But the most powerful part of the training, according to students, will be witnessing me model non-shaming approaches in my work with you on these calls.
If you cannot attend live, you will have lifetime access to the recorded trainings. Additionally, you can send your questions ahead of time if you cannot attend live.
This training program is much more than just learning theory. Everything you learn during Un-Shamed is designed for you to carry it with you for the rest of your life. Once you master un-shaming, you will be able to call upon these tools to live with more joy and purpose long after this program is complete.
It is important to know that un-shaming is not a one-time solution. It is a life-long project that you will return to again and again. The foundational skills to un-shaming you will learn in this course will usher in a new era where you connect more deeply to your soul, and have greater appreciation for yourself and your humanity.
While you will learn a lot about the psychology and science of shame, the real gold lies during the live calls. There will be time on every live call to raise your hand and talk with David about how shame is coming up in your life, or to listen as your classmates share their experiences.
During that time, you will learn how to practically apply un-shaming to every aspect of your life. Past students have said this was the most impactful part of the course.
UnShamed is a great prerequisite to my 10 Month facilitation Training, which is focused on professional development as therapists, coaches and healers. While completing UnShamed first is not required, it will provide a strong foundation for what you will learn in that training.
If you are a therapist, coach, or healer, you may decide to continue with the 10 Month Facilitation Training.
Trying to fix a problem with shame is like using a hammer to put in a light bulb.
It is never beneficial to believe that something is wrong with you. The psychological research also supports the idea that shame doesn’t actually work to control people. If you have ever used shame as a motivator, you have probably already discovered that it doesn’t work in the long run to get you to behave a certain way.
So no, there is no “good” shame. All shame is toxic.
There is a ton of overlap between UnShamed and the Shame Clinic, but there is enough new concepts and materials within UnShamed that I invite you to do both. The Shame Clinic didn't include David's work on abuse and physical symptoms, which is covered within this round of UnShamed.
Whatever you are experiencing has within it the reason for your existence.
When you learn how to unshame your reactions to chronic pain or mental health struggles, you will have a much deeper understanding of yourself.
And this will bring huge relief and a new, more loving and compassionate relationship with yourself and the world around you.
Let me ask you this: How long have you worked on trying to relieve yourself of the specific problems in your life?
I’m guessing you’ve already tried a number of different approaches to “fix” or “heal” it. You’ve spent years trying things.
Don’t try one more thing.
When you begin to investigate what brings you shame, you may also find relief from it. I’ve seen this for dozens of my clients for over 2 decades.
Within just 20 minutes of investigating the problem, you will learn something that is fundamental to who you are. Even if the problem you’re experiencing has been affecting you for years.
A funny thing often happens when you accept and embrace the parts of you that you've been wanting to change – the symptoms let up.
What Past Students Are Saying…
“Thank you very much for the wisdom you bring to the world - I have appreciated it so much. It’s like it has given me a type of permission to start to soften. I hadn’t realised it clearly but for most of my life I’ve held a hard, sharp and cutting view of myself and therefore often the world.
“Your gentleness and compassion has modelled that strength comes in different forms. I’ve been able to reassess the lens with which I’ve seen everything through. I hold growing hope that the sometimes torturous loops I’ve felt stuck in may be starting to loosen.
“I’ve spent so much time looking at where I’m trying to get that it has been difficult to see how I’ve been coming from. The UnShamed paradigm has helped me see that where I’m going to can’t be anywhere I truly desire until I reorganise how I’m coming from. This witnessing of myself, others, the world, will act as the basis for me to explore how being UnShamed may allow me to express in this life.
— Matt Augustyn
“David showed us, with wisdom and deep tenderness, how to unlearn the cultural lie (SHAME) that binds us from our most natural and gifted selves.
“In a dream, during the course, I met with myself as a small child (around 4 years old). In a lonely, worried whisper she confided in me that she didn’t know how to say or do what she was ‘meant to’ like the other children. I am so glad I can now have a relationship with her (I’m only 54!) and reteach her loveliness.”
— Simone Jean Carter, Psychotherapist
“David's work on Un-Shaming is not only deeply empathic and fully embracing of the inner strength, gifts, and life within those who come into contact with his work, but it is also revolutionary.
“His exercises bring everyone who is touched by them into contact with the fact that who you are, hidden within the aspects we are taught by regular society to reject, is our true gold. This work is the single most powerful and life-affirming experience so many of us could hope for, and needs to be shared with everyone.
“David has a unique understanding of humanity that emerges through psychotherapy, dreaming, shamanistic transformation, and inner world journeying, brought into our bodies through the practical and accessible current moment. This work is the antidote to the never-ending quest to fix ourselves because, through it, we find our own healer at our center, and then no longer need to take the shaming snake oils so constantly being sold to us.”
— Kiran Friesen
“Radically simple. Radically. Just what is, observed as is, without judgement or agenda. With interest and compassion and love. Incredible approach. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be in that space and learn as David works this way.”
— Lynn Ross
“I don’t quite know how to get across just how important and valuable the work you are imparting to us in the Shame/Trauma cohort is for myself personally and in my work with clients.
“It’s creating a paradigm shift in not only how I see and approach my clients but also in how I sit and be with myself in sessions. There is a huge amount of calm in being able to proceed being curious about whomever the client arrives with.”
— Christine Kahane, NBC-HWC, MCWC
1 Payment of $560
2 monthly payments of $280 — $280 today + $280 in 30 days