See the true beauty and intelligence of your soul through unconditionally loving eyes.
The first step is UnShaming.

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The Foundations of
UnShaming Bundle
For coaches, healers, therapists, and anyone who wishes to forge a new, compassionate relationship with their most authentic self.
Receive David’s most powerful introductory teachings on shame.
Hi, I’m David.
I teach people how to create a life free from shame.
I developed UnShaming over the course of 30 years as a facilitator of psychological healing. I realized that something vital was missing from the way we talked about shame, and I founded the Santa Fe Institute for Shame-Based Studies to further study and teach the UnShaming process.
Since then I have shared my teachings with thousands of students across the globe. Perhaps you’ve found me through my books, Instagram Reels, articles in Psychology Today, or the online courses I’ve done with thought leaders.
I encourage you to explore the many free resources on this site that will help you understand the true value that every piece of you contributes to the world. And if your soul craves a deeper knowing and loving of your whole self, take the first step on your journey to UnShaming.

UnShaming does more than build your resilience. It frees those parts of you that have been imprisoned by shame from your body and mind & gives you access to their wisdom, power, and beauty.
Up until now, shame theorists have focused on resilience and deep self-acceptance as the ‘medicine’ for shame.
But shame is not a feeling, it is an internalized viewpoint.
You could sit with shame forever and it will never transform into compassion, empathy, or love. It will only continue to expand until it engulfs you.
To free yourself from shame’s suffocating grip, you must fundamentally shift the way you view yourself, your shame, and the world.
UnShaming goes much deeper than building resilience. It counters shame by finding the meaning, message, and wisdom within it.
Through over 30 years of studying shame, I’ve found that it is possible to move beyond simply building greater immunity to shame. You can actually befriend the parts of your story that are shrouded in shame by unlocking them from their cages.
This is the work of UnShaming.
What is UnShaming?
When you UnShame, you stop viewing the things you’re ashamed of as broken parts of yourself that need to be fixed or healed.
You integrate the deep meaning behind your difficulties, as if they are invitations to embrace your wholeness and doorways to your shadow’s gold.
The result is a life liberated from judgment, connected to your inner intelligence, and attuned to a profound sense of wellness.
A life where you understand what your next steps should be, as you begin to walk a path that is aligned with your soul purpose and the unique medicine you are here to share with the world.
UnShaming is one of the most impactful and fast-working techniques available to help you understand the true value and intelligence you have to share.
Through this work, you will forge a new, loving, compassionate relationship with your most authentic self by addressing shame at the root and learning techniques to release it from your consciousness.
As seen on…
UnShamed TV

Learn the Anatomy of Shame
Discover the transformative power of radical self-compassion, witness UnShaming in action, and weave UnShaming into your life with step-by-step exercises and prompts.